Update June 8th — with the help of a loan, we got a new truck — a Ram 2500 long-bed! We raised about $30,000 so far, of the $49,870 final cost (incl. tax) and are deeply grateful to everyone who has helped. Please support us in raising the final $19,000. We adore this new team member, which lets us safely and efficiently transport crew, tools, and large amounts of brush across our property. Acre by acre, we are thinning the forest for both wildfire mitigation and to restore the land to better health.
Donate by Venmo, Paypal, check or credit card!
(UPDATE June 8th — total raised so far is around $30,000! Donations have come in from several channels, not just Givebutter, so we will regularly post updates here. Thank you so much everyone — please keep sharing this ask!)
Both of PPI’s old trucks are very tired and about to grind to a halt… One is only 2WD, and the other is 4WD but not licensed for public roads. Both already struggle getting up and down our hills on the single unmade road that accesses PPI’s 485 acres of forested land. This land carries an extreme risk of wildfires, which is magnified by the severe drought expected this year.
These very slow, unreliable trucks are also a liability if someone got seriously injured while the crew is in a remote part of the property. And in a local wildfire event (as in 2020 when we were stuck between the Meyers and Walbridge fires) we often have to run out on the back road to check pumps and access — if embers carried fire into our forest, we would not be able to trust our current vehicles to get us back to camp safely.
Our goal is to raise enough funds ($35-$45,000) to purchase a GMC Sierra 2500 HD (or equivalent), which is priced from around $37,000 used to around $48,000 new.
Since ideally the property would have two good trucks available, we also welcome the donation of any used truck in good running condition.
All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law, with the Padmasambhava Peace Institute being registered as a 501(c)(3) with tax ID # 05-0569638.
100% of any donation made to the ‘Truck 2021’ campaign will be used solely for the purchase of a truck; any excess will be earmarked for insurance and maintenance.
Whatever you are able to offer is deeply appreciated, be it from $5 to $5000.
If you work for a corporation with a matching gift program, you can double your donation through Benevity.org (we are listed as Padmasambhava Peace Institute). Let your friends and colleagues know about us!
Make a donation by Venmo, Paypal, check or credit card:
Checks can be made out to “Padmasambhava Peace Institute’, marked ‘Truck 2021’ and mailed to Woody Crain, PPI, 23125 Fort Ross Road, Cazadero, CA 95421.
We are very grateful for all the support people have offered us over the years. In this last difficult year of the pandemic, we know many have also suffered, and funds can be tight. But making even a small donation now for this truck is an investment in so many ways — it’s contributing towards restoration, and making the land and people safer at many levels. Thank you very much for your help!